NIT Meghalaya Faculty Recruitment 2017 - Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
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NIT Meghalaya Faculty Recruitment 2017 - Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Meghalaya
Last Date: 31/08/2017.

National Institute of Technology (NIT) Meghalaya at Imphal invites applications in prescribed format from Indian Nationals possessing consistently good academic record and requisite qualifications and experience, with commitment to work, passion for teaching and research and an inclination towards institutional development, for faculty positions of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors for appointment on permanent/ contract/ deputation basis, as per the 4-tier flexible faculty structure. :

  1.     Professor in the PB-4 Pay Scale Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 10500
  2.     Associate Professor  in the PB-4 Pay Scale Rs. 37400-67000 AGP Rs. 9500
  3.     Assistant  Professor  in the PB-3 Pay Scale Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 8000
  4.     Assistant  Professor  in the PB-3 Pay Scale Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 7000 on contract basis
  5.     Assistant  Professor  in the PB-3 Pay Scale Rs. 15600-39100 AGP Rs. 6000 on contract basis
Application Fee : Rs. 500/-  only (Rs.250/-  only for SC/ST/PWD candidates) to be paid by online mode only.

How to Apply : Apply Online at NIT Meghalaya website on or before 31/08/2017 only and the hard copy of the system generated application form   should be addressed to the “Registrar (i/c), National Institute of Technology Meghalaya, Bijni Complex, Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793003”, in an envelope superscribing “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …………, Department of ……………" on or before 15/09/2017 only.

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: Please visit for details and online application format.