Special Judge, Assam Recruitment 2018 - Peon [ST(P) AND ST(H) only]
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Special Judge, Assam Recruitment 2018 - Peon [ST(P) AND ST(H) only]

O/o Special Judge, Assam.
Last Date: 15 Days.

Application in standard form are invited from the citizen of India as define under article 5 and 6 of Indian Constitution for filling up the following post under the Establishment of Special Judge, Assam, Guwahati - 781001.

Name of post : Peon
No of posts :
Category : Reserved for woman under ST (P) and ST (H)

Pay : Rs. 12,000/- to Rs. 37,500/- + (G. P)-Rs. 3900/- P.M. and other allowances admissible under rules.
Educational Qualification: Minimum VIII standard.

Age: Minimum 18 years and maximum 43 years as on 01/01/2018. Relaxation of age will be as per existing rules of Govt. of Assam.

How to apply: Application will have to be submit in standard from along with self attested copies of relevant academic testimonials including Certificate/ Admit card in support of age etc. 3 (Three) copies of recent passport size photograph and one self addressed stamp envelop should be enclosed with the application.

Last date of receipt of application within 15 days from the date of publication of advertisement [4th March 2018] in the Newspaper.

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