Directorate of Agriculture, Assam Recruitment 2018 - Technical Assistant/ Account Assistant [Walk-in]
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Directorate of Agriculture, Assam Recruitment 2018 - Technical Assistant/ Account Assistant [Walk-in]

Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Assam.
Last Date: 20/04/2018.

Intending candidates who are permanent resident of Assam having attitude for working in odd hours in mission mode may appear in walk-in - interview for contractual engagement in PKVY cell of the Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Assam purely on temporary basis for the post of
Technical Assistant and Computer cum Account Assistant with the following terms and conditions:

i) Technical Assistant
No of posts:
1 (One)
ii) Computer cum Account Assistant
No of posts:
1 (One)

Mode of selection: Walk in Interview.

Nature of Employment:
Contractual for the period of 1(one) year only. After expiry of the contractual period of one year the contractual engagement will automatically stand terminated. If service of the contractual staff is required beyond one year, the authority concerned may re-engage the said staff for next consecutive year and onwards as per need of the authority on temporary basis.

Age : Candidates shall not be more than 38 years of age as on.01/04/2018.

Educational Qualification:
i) For Technical Assistant post: M.Sc. Agri. having knowledge in Organic Farming. Only 1st class Master Degree or equivalent grade point average from recognized institution.
ii) For Computer cum Account Assistant post: 1st class Master Degree in Computer Application (MCA), having B.Com. with Accountancy is required. Preference will be given to the candidate having working experience in Government/ Private Institution.

Consolidated pay for
i) Technical Assistant: Rs. 20,000/- month
ii) Computer cum Account Assistant: Rs.15,000/- month.

No TA/DA is admissible to the candidates for appearing in the interview.

How to apply:
The interested candidates may appear in the interview along with an application in standard form with self attested copies of the relevant certificates and two recent passport size photograph on the date, time and venue as notified. (Original certificates must bring for verification)

The result will be declared in the official website and office notice board.

Venue of the interview:
Krishi Niwas auditorium hall, Directorate of Agriculture, Khanapara, Guwahati-22.

Date and time: 20/04/2018, 10.00 AM onwards.

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