Upper Assam Division Commissioner, Jorhat Recruitment 2018 - Junior Assistant (L.D.A)
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Upper Assam Division Commissioner, Jorhat Recruitment 2018 - Junior Assistant (L.D.A)

O/o the Commissioner, Upper Assam Division, Jorhat.
Last Date: 30/06/2018.

Applications are invited from the intending candidates for filling up of the following post of Junior Assistant (L.D.A) (PwD category) which is lying vacant in the office of the Commissioner, Upper Assam Division, Jorhat

The Application should be submitted in the Standard Form of Application as published in the Assam Gazette in Part-IX on or before 30th June '2018 upto 4 P.M in the office of the Commissioner, Upper Assam Division., Jorhat, P.0- Cinnamara, Pin — 785008. 

Name of post: Junior Assistant (L.D.A)
No of posts:
01 (one) (Reserved PwD) Low vision/ Hearing Impaired/ Locomotor Disabled

Educational Qualification:  a) Bachelor's Degree or equivalent examination from recognized University. b) Certificate/ Diploma in Computer Typing both in Assamese and  English.

Pay: PB-2 (Rs. 14,000/- - RS.49,000/-) GP: Rs. 6,200/-

The applicant must not be less than 18 years and more than 44 years of age on 1St January'2018. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of ST/SC and 3 years in case of OBC/MOBC.

Selection Process:
Eligible candidates for the post of Junior Assistant (L.D.A) will have to appear in a Written Test Examination, to be followed by Computer Test (for written examination qualified candidates only).

i) General English (including General Knowledge & Arithmetic) - 125 marks
ii) Precis writing and Drafting 25 marks
iii) Computer Test 25 marks

How to apply:
The application(s) must be accompanied by:-
(i) Self attested copies of all required certificate/ marksheets of educational qualification alongwith caste certificate and proof of age.
(ii) Attested copies of Persons with Disability Certificate issued by Competent Authority.
(iii) 4 (four) copies of recent passport size photographs with the name written in block letters on its backside.
(iv) The Candidate must have registered their names in the Employment Exchange and registration number alongwith the date must be mentioned in their application.

One self addressed Envelope of 5 cm X 11 cm size affixing postal stamp of Rs. 5.00 (Rupees Five) only be sent alongwith the application, to facilitate sending of admit cards to the eligible candidates.

The eligible candidates will be intimated by call letters for appearing in the written test and no separate notice will be published in the Newspaper. However, the list of the eligible candidates for appearing in the written examination will be uploaded in the website http://jorhat.gov.in .

All information pertaining to the list of eligible candidates, written test results, call for computer test and the final result will be intimated through notice board in this office and the website http://lorhat.gov.in only from time to time. The candidates are therefore advised to refer to the website from time to time in their own interest. No newspaper advertisement shall be published.

Address for submission of Application Form : THE COMMISSIONER UPPER ASSAM DIVISION CINNAMARA, JORHAT - 785008.

Advertisement Details: Pl check  http://jorhat.gov.in/adv-uad.pdf