IIT Madras, the organizing institute has released the GATE 2019 admit card on January 4, 2019. Candidates who have registered for the entrance exam can download the GATE admit card 2019 by using their enrollment ID or email ID and password through GOAPS.
It is to be further noted that the GATE 2019 admit card will not be sent to any candidate; they will be required to download it. However, before downloading the admit card of GATE 2019, it is important that candidates check all the details mentioned over it and in case of any discrepancies, immediately inform the authorities.No request for any changes in the examination centre, date or time as specified in the GATE admit card 2019 will be taken into consideration by the authorities.
Important Dates:
It is to be further noted that the GATE 2019 admit card will not be sent to any candidate; they will be required to download it. However, before downloading the admit card of GATE 2019, it is important that candidates check all the details mentioned over it and in case of any discrepancies, immediately inform the authorities.No request for any changes in the examination centre, date or time as specified in the GATE admit card 2019 will be taken into consideration by the authorities.
Important Dates:
Release of GATE 2019 admit card
January 4, 2019 (around 4:00 pm)
Last date to download admit card
| February 10, 2019 |
GATE 2019 entrance exam
| February 2, 3, 9 & 10, 2019 |
GATE 2019 result announcement
March 16, 2019