Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers' Rights Authority, India.
Last Date: 30 Days.
Application are invited by Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers' Rights Authority, India from retired Govt. officials/Scientists from SAUs, ICAR Institutes and other Govt. agencies for appointment on outsourced basis to the posts of Deputy Registrar at two of the Branch offices of Authority namely Guwahati (AAU. Khanapara Campus), Palampur (CSK HPKV Campus) with the following qualifications namely :-
Name of post: Deputy Registrar
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: Masters Degree in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Breeding and Genetics/Genetics/ Agricultural Botany/Seed Science and Technology or Forestry/ Horticulture with specialization in Plant Breeding and Genetics.
Desirable: Ph.D with research experience in Seed Development Programme/ Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Varietal Improvement activities/Tree Improvement.
Age: Age as on last date of receipt of application shall not be more than 64 years. The initial appointment on outsourced basis will be for 6 months, which may be extended based on performance.
Pay: The consolidated remuneration would be Rs. 40,000/- P.M.
How to apply: The application form is available in the official website Duly filled in application forms along with self certified testimonials shall be sent to Deputy Registrar/i/c Admin, PPV & FR Authority. S-2, A Block. NASC Complex, DPS Marg, New Delhi-110012 within 30 days from the publication [17-01-2019] of the advertisement.
Last Date: 30 Days.
Application are invited by Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers' Rights Authority, India from retired Govt. officials/Scientists from SAUs, ICAR Institutes and other Govt. agencies for appointment on outsourced basis to the posts of Deputy Registrar at two of the Branch offices of Authority namely Guwahati (AAU. Khanapara Campus), Palampur (CSK HPKV Campus) with the following qualifications namely :-
Name of post: Deputy Registrar
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: Masters Degree in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Breeding and Genetics/Genetics/ Agricultural Botany/Seed Science and Technology or Forestry/ Horticulture with specialization in Plant Breeding and Genetics.
Desirable: Ph.D with research experience in Seed Development Programme/ Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Varietal Improvement activities/Tree Improvement.
Age: Age as on last date of receipt of application shall not be more than 64 years. The initial appointment on outsourced basis will be for 6 months, which may be extended based on performance.
Pay: The consolidated remuneration would be Rs. 40,000/- P.M.
How to apply: The application form is available in the official website Duly filled in application forms along with self certified testimonials shall be sent to Deputy Registrar/i/c Admin, PPV & FR Authority. S-2, A Block. NASC Complex, DPS Marg, New Delhi-110012 within 30 days from the publication [17-01-2019] of the advertisement.
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