Assam State Housing Board Recruitment 2019 – 20 AE, JE, Junior Assistant & Other Vacancy
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Assam State Housing Board Recruitment 2019 – 20 AE, JE, Junior Assistant & Other Vacancy

Assam State Housing Board.
Last Date: 15/03/2019.

Online applications are invited from intending eligible Indian citizens for engagement on contractual basis for the following posts in Assam State Housing Board as below. 

Assam State Housing Board Recruitment

1. Assistant Engineer (Civil)
No of posts:
3 [UR- 2 OBC-1 ]
Educational Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from an institution recognized by the Central/State Government. Preference will be given to candidates having experience of 3 years with AutoCAD knowledge.
Pay: Rs. 27,500/-

2. Junior Engineer (Civil)
No of posts:
6 [UR- 3 OBC- 2 STP- 1 ]
Educational Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering from an institution recognized by the Central/State Government. Preference will be given to candidates having experience of 3 years. 
Pay: Rs.24,000 /-

3. Junior Assistant (HQ)
No of posts:
10 [UR-5 OBC-2 STP-1 SC-1 STH-1 ]
Educational Qualification: a) Bachelor Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce from a recognized University. b) Must possess Diploma in Computer Application minimum for six months from a recognized Institute.
Pay: Rs. 15,000/-

4. Mandal
No of posts:
1 [UR-1 ]
Educational Qualification: Minimum H.S.L.C. examination or equivalent examination with 6(Six) months Recorders' Course Class Certificate from the Assam Survey and Settlement Training Centre, Dakhingaon, Guwahati only and the Addl.Mandal,working/retired from any Settlement/Re Settlement Operation of Assam.
Pay: Rs. 12,000/-

Age: Applicants must not be less than 18 years and more than 44 years of age on 01.01.2018. However, the upper age limit relaxation in case of SC, ST & other applicants as per Govt. OM No.ABP 06/2016/04 dated 3rd March 2016. There shall be usual reservation for SC/ST/STH/OBC/MOBC Applicants including Women and PWDs (Person with disabilities) as per Govt. rules.

Application Fee:
Applicants must pay application fees of Rs.350/- for General and OBC; 200/- for SC,STP,STH and NIL fees for BPL and PH Applicants. (BPL and PH applicants must provide their certificate/ card no. in the online application form to qualify for fees exemption.

How to apply for Assam State Housing Board Recruitment 

Applicants are requested to apply online by logging into and click on "Apply Online for the post of Junior Assistant (H.Q)/ Assistant Engineer (Civil)/Junior Engineer(Civil)/Mandal". The number of vacancy may vary at the time of recruitment

Online Portal for applying online for different posts will be available from 04/03/2019 onwards and shall close at 3 PM on 15/03/2019.

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