Directorate of Library Services, Assam Recruitment 2019 : Grade-IV [5 posts]
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Directorate of Library Services, Assam Recruitment 2019 : Grade-IV [5 posts]

O/o Director of Library Services, Assam.
Last Date: 08/03/2019.

Application are invited in Standard Form as published in Part IX of Assam Gazette from intending and eligible candidates who are citizen of India as defined in the Article 5 and 8 of the Constitution of India for filling up the posts mentioned below under the Directorate of Library Services, Assam.

Name of post: Grade-IV (Peon, Chowkidar. etc..)
No of posts:

PB-1 Rs.12000-37500, Grade Pay Rs.3900
Location:  Guwahati (HO), Tezpur, Lakhimpur, Dhemajt, GoaIpara

Educational Qualification: Read up to Class VIII.
Age: Candidates must not be less than 18 years and not more than 44 years of age, with relaxation of upper age limit over 38 years, as on 1st January 2019. However, upper age limit for candidates of SC/ST(P)/ST(H)/Persons with Disabilities will be 49 years and for candidates of OBC/MOBC will be 47 years as on 1st January, 2018 .

How to apply:
Application along with self attested copies of all testimonials in support of their qualification, age, etc. and two copies of passport size photograph of candidates must reach the office of the undersigned on or before 8th March 2019.

Candidate must have registered his name in employment exchange. Employment Registration No. with date must be mentioned in his application. Self attested copy of the registration card must also be submitted along with application.

One self addressed envelope of 11 cm X 25 cm. size affixing thereupon postal stamp of Rs. 5/- only should be furnished along with the application. The name of the post applied for must be mentioned at the top of the sealed envelope carrying the application form.

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