Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage.
Walk-in Date/s: 01-05/04/2019.
Applications are invited in the prescribed format for engagement of 41 Senior Technical Officer (s) and 145 Technical Officer(s), on purely temporary basis in the Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, CGO Complex, NH - 4, Faridabad, Haryana, Pin - 121001 and its sub-offices including Guwahati in North East India from eligible candidates to be filled through walk-in-interview as per schedule given below:
1. Senior Technical Officer (STO)
No of posts: 41
Disciplines/ Educational Qualification:
Toxicology: Doctorate Degree in Veterinary Pharmacology/ Veterinary Pathology / Animal Biotechnology and Veterinary physiology from recognized University / Institution.
Chemistry: Doctorate Degree in Agricultural chemistry or Doctoral Degree in Chemistry from a recognized University / Institution.
Entomology: Doctorate degree in Entomology or Nematology or Doctorate degree in Agriculture with specialization in Entomology or Nematology of Doctorate degree in Zoology with specialization in Entomology or Nematology from a recognized University or institute.
Plant Pathology: Doctorate degree in Plant Pathology of Doctorate degree in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Pathology or Doctorate degree in Botany with specialization in Plant Pathology from a recognized University or institute.
Weed Science: Doctorate degree in Agriculture (Agronomy) or Doctorate degree in Botany with specialization in Weed Science from a recognized University or institute.
2. Technical Officer (TO)
No of posts: 145
Disciplines/ Educational Qualification:
Toxicology: Master’s Degree in Veterinary Science OR Master’s Degree in Laboratory Technology with specialization in Toxicology or Master’s degree in Zoology with specialization in Animal Physiology or Master’s degree in Bio-technology from a recognized university / Institution.
Chemistry: M.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Chemistry or Chemistry with specialization in organic chemistry or in Analytical chemistry from a recognized University / Institution.
Entomology: M.Sc. Degree in Entomology or Nematology of M.Sc. in Agriculture with specialization in Entomology or Nematology of M.Sc. degree in Zoology with specialization in Entomology or Nematology from a recognized University or institute.
Plant Pathology: M.Sc. Degree in Plant Pathology of M.Sc. degree in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Pathology or M.Sc. degree in Botany with specialization in Plant Pathology from a recognized University or institute.
Weed Science: M.Sc. in Agriculture (Agronomy) or M.Sc. degree in Botany with Weed Science as a subject from a recognized University or institute.
1. Senior Technical Officer (STO): Rs. 53,000/- per month.(Consolidated)*
2. Technical Officer (TO): Rs.37,000/- per month. (Consolidated)*
Age: The upper age limited for STOs/TOs will be as under:
i. For Senior Technical Official - 40 years for male candidate and 45 years for female/ third gender (transgender) candidates.
ii. For Technical Official - 35 years for male candidate and 40 years for female/ third gender (transgender) candidates.
iii. SC / ST candidates will be eligible for age relaxation of 5 years as per Central Government Rules
Walk-in Schedule:
1. Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Chennai: 01.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
2. Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Kolkata: 02.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
3. Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Mumbai: 04.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
4. Regional Central Integrated Pest Management Centre, Guwahati: 05.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
5. Regional Central Integrated Pest Management Centre, Faridabad (Haryana): 05.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
Advertisement Details/ Application Form: Pl check here .
Walk-in Date/s: 01-05/04/2019.
Applications are invited in the prescribed format for engagement of 41 Senior Technical Officer (s) and 145 Technical Officer(s), on purely temporary basis in the Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine & Storage, CGO Complex, NH - 4, Faridabad, Haryana, Pin - 121001 and its sub-offices including Guwahati in North East India from eligible candidates to be filled through walk-in-interview as per schedule given below:
1. Senior Technical Officer (STO)
No of posts: 41
Disciplines/ Educational Qualification:
Toxicology: Doctorate Degree in Veterinary Pharmacology/ Veterinary Pathology / Animal Biotechnology and Veterinary physiology from recognized University / Institution.
Chemistry: Doctorate Degree in Agricultural chemistry or Doctoral Degree in Chemistry from a recognized University / Institution.
Entomology: Doctorate degree in Entomology or Nematology or Doctorate degree in Agriculture with specialization in Entomology or Nematology of Doctorate degree in Zoology with specialization in Entomology or Nematology from a recognized University or institute.
Plant Pathology: Doctorate degree in Plant Pathology of Doctorate degree in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Pathology or Doctorate degree in Botany with specialization in Plant Pathology from a recognized University or institute.
Weed Science: Doctorate degree in Agriculture (Agronomy) or Doctorate degree in Botany with specialization in Weed Science from a recognized University or institute.
2. Technical Officer (TO)
No of posts: 145
Disciplines/ Educational Qualification:
Toxicology: Master’s Degree in Veterinary Science OR Master’s Degree in Laboratory Technology with specialization in Toxicology or Master’s degree in Zoology with specialization in Animal Physiology or Master’s degree in Bio-technology from a recognized university / Institution.
Chemistry: M.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Chemistry or Chemistry with specialization in organic chemistry or in Analytical chemistry from a recognized University / Institution.
Entomology: M.Sc. Degree in Entomology or Nematology of M.Sc. in Agriculture with specialization in Entomology or Nematology of M.Sc. degree in Zoology with specialization in Entomology or Nematology from a recognized University or institute.
Plant Pathology: M.Sc. Degree in Plant Pathology of M.Sc. degree in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Pathology or M.Sc. degree in Botany with specialization in Plant Pathology from a recognized University or institute.
Weed Science: M.Sc. in Agriculture (Agronomy) or M.Sc. degree in Botany with Weed Science as a subject from a recognized University or institute.
1. Senior Technical Officer (STO): Rs. 53,000/- per month.(Consolidated)*
2. Technical Officer (TO): Rs.37,000/- per month. (Consolidated)*
Age: The upper age limited for STOs/TOs will be as under:
i. For Senior Technical Official - 40 years for male candidate and 45 years for female/ third gender (transgender) candidates.
ii. For Technical Official - 35 years for male candidate and 40 years for female/ third gender (transgender) candidates.
iii. SC / ST candidates will be eligible for age relaxation of 5 years as per Central Government Rules
Walk-in Schedule:
1. Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Chennai: 01.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
2. Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Kolkata: 02.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
3. Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Mumbai: 04.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
4. Regional Central Integrated Pest Management Centre, Guwahati: 05.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
5. Regional Central Integrated Pest Management Centre, Faridabad (Haryana): 05.04.2019 at 10.00 AM
Advertisement Details/ Application Form: Pl check here .