Akshara Global Gurukul, Numaligarh Recruitment 2019: Teacher [5 posts]
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Akshara Global Gurukul, Numaligarh Recruitment 2019: Teacher [5 posts]

Akshara Global Gurukul, Numaligarh.
Last Date: 25/06/2019.

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following position for engagement in various teaching posts at Akshara Global Gurukul, Numaligarh.

1. Trained Graduate Teacher
No of posts:
2 [ Mathematics- 1, Assamese- 1]

Educational Qualification:
1. Graduate/ Post graduate in respected discipline with at least 60% of marks from any recognized university.
2. Preferences will be given to candidates with B.ed/D.El.Ed by NCTE recognized institute, along with teaching experience in CBSE curriculum.

2. Montessori Trained Teacher
No of posts:

Educational Qualification:
1. Graduate in any stream Science/Commerce/Arts with minimum 55% of marks from any recognized university.
2. Preferences will be given to candidates with experienced in child care with valid Montessori Trained Certification.
3. Preferences will be given to candidates with B.ed/D.El.Ed by NCTE recognized institute, along with teaching experience in CBSE curriculum.

Pay: Negotiable
Age: Not more than 35 years as on 01.01.2019.

How to apply: The eligible candidates should submit their resume along with documents in the official mail id at aksharaglobalgurukul@gmail.com

For any query the candidates may call at 8837279930/9706708443 from 10:00am to 2:00pm only.


1. Shortlisted candidate will be notified via phone or mail id provided in the resume for the date of interview.
2. Last date of receiving application is 25.06.2019.