Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Film & Television Institute Recruitment 2019: Power Pump Operator/ Driver/ Lighting Assistant [6 posts]
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Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Film & Television Institute Recruitment 2019: Power Pump Operator/ Driver/ Lighting Assistant [6 posts]

Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Regional Government Film and Television Institute.
Last Date: 09/08/2019.

Applications are invited from Indian citizens in the prescribed form of applications as published in Assam Gazette -IX for filling up of the vacant posts as mentioned below under Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Regional Government Film and Television Institute, Sila, Changsari, Guwahati-781101, Assam.

1. Power Pump Operator
No of posts:
2 [UR-1 OBC-1]

Educational Qualification:

1. Passed in Class VIII standard
2. Certificate from ITI in the Trade of Power Pump Operator

14,000/- to 49.000/- GP=5000/- 

2. Driver
No of posts:
2 [UR-1 OBC-1]

Educational Qualification:
Passed in Class VIII standard Driving License from Competent Govt. authority having LMWLMV CAB, TRANS & PSVBUS.

14.000/- to 49.000, GP=5000/- 

3. Lighting Assistant
No of posts:
2 [UR-1 OBC-1]

Educational Qualification:
1. HSLC or equivalent
2. Electrical Workman Permit issued by Inspector of Electricity [Govt. of Assam] 3. Five years work experience as Light Boy or Gaffer in Film Production

Pay: 14,000/- to 49.000/-GP=5600/-

Age: The age limits have been fixed a minimum 18 years and maximum 38 years as on 01.01.2019. The upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years in case of SC/STP/ST(H) candidates as per Govt. OM.ABP06/2016108 dated 18-04-2018 and 3 years in case of OBC/MOBC candidates as per G.. OM.ABP.6/20165 dated 25th April-2018. There shall be no change on any relaxation of educational or other qualification of existing service conditions such as year or age of retirement etc. This relaxation shall be applicable only to those candidates who have attained the necessary educational or other qualifications prior to crossing of their existing upper age limit of 38 years.

Application Fee:
Nil (as per Govt. OM. FEG.32/2016/12 dated 21st May 2018) Submission of application form after specified date and time will not be entertained.

How to apply: Application along with self attested photo copies of certificates, Mark Sheets, other testimonials and 2 (two) copies of recent passport size photographs in support of the candidates must reach the office of the Director,
Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Regional Government Film and Television Institute, Sila, Changsari, Guwahati-781101, Assam on or before 09.08.2019 by 5.00 pm during office hours.

Departmental candidate may apply through proper channel. Candidate has to possess valid employment registration number of Assam at the time of application.

Candidates who have applied earlier for the following three posts, they have to apply again.

Candidates should also furnish 1 (One) self-addressed envelope of size (28 cm x 13cm) affixing thereupon a postage stamp of Rs. 5 (Five) along with the application.

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