CCA, Assam Recruitment 2019: Accountant /Lower Division Clerk/ Stenographer [12 posts]
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CCA, Assam Recruitment 2019: Accountant /Lower Division Clerk/ Stenographer [12 posts]

O/o Controller of Communication Accounts, Assam.
Last Date: 30/11/2019.

The office of the Controller of Communication Accounts, Assam Circle, Guwahati- under the Ministry of Communications and Department of Telecommunications, Govt of India invites applications from wiling and eligible candidates working under various Ministries/ Departments of Government of India & state Governments on deputation basis for being a part of a dedicated team of work force to the nation in the field of Telecommunication Service as tabulated below:

1. Sr. Accountant ( Group "B" Non-gazetted)
2. Jr. Accountant (Group "C")
No of posts:

Eligibility Criteria (Post 1):
Officials holding analogous post in central/ state Govt Departments & Ministries on regular basis, or JA/ Auditors who have rendered not less than 3 (three) years of regular service in the grade.

Eligibility Criteria (Post 2):
Officials holding analogous post in Central/ State Govt Departments & Ministries on regular basis or LDC with 5 years of regular service or UDCs with 3 years of regular service.

3. Lower Division Clerk (Group "C")
No of posts:

Eligibility Criteria:
Officials holding analogous posts in Central/ State Govt Departments & Ministries.

4. Stenographer Grade-II (Group "C")
No of posts:

Eligibility Criteria: Officials holding analogous central/ state Govt Departments.

How to apply:
The application in the prescribed form (Annexure-ll), duly recommended by the Head of the parent office and together with all the prescribed documents (APAR for last 3 years, integrity certificate and Vigilance clearance certificate), must reach this office on or before 30.11.2019 by Post (speed Post/ Registered Post/ ordinary Post) or Private Currier service or at least by E-mail at if final APAR for Reporting Year 2018-19 is not available, applicants may furnish previous three years APAR". 

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