Commissioner of Taxes, Assam Admit Card 2020: Junior Assistant [18 posts]
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Commissioner of Taxes, Assam Admit Card 2020: Junior Assistant [18 posts]

Commissioner of Taxes, Assam has released the admit card of the written test for the posts of Junior Assistant in the Office of the Commissioner of Taxes, Assam. In this regard, a notification has been released .

Name of post: Junior Assistant
No of posts: 18

Written test date: 19 January 2020

In continuation of the earlier Advertisement published vide No. Janasanyog/D/3663/19 dated 19th August, 2019 for recruitment to the post of Junior Assistant in the Office of the Commissioner of Taxes, Assam, this is for information to all concerned that the list of candidates who have applied in both ONLINE AND OFFLINE MODE on or before the due dates are available in the website

The Candidates, who have applied in both online and offline mode on or before the due dates. are requested to check their names in the list. The Admit Cards will be issued only to those candidates who have been included in the list. 

If any candidate has applied in both offline and online mode but the name is not included in the list, he/she may contact in the office of the undersigned during office hours with the candidate's copy of offline application and receipt of online application on or before 10th December, 2019

The eligibility of a candidate included in the list is not final. The eligibility of a candidate is subject to fulfillment of eligibility criteria, correctness of data furnished in the application form and documents submitted therewith.

Official Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Eligible List of Candidates: Click Here .

Additional List of Candidates: Click Here .

Official Notification: Click Here .

Download Admit Card: Click Here .
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