Special Judge, CBI, Assam Recruitment 2020 - Peon-cum-Chowkidar Vacancy
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Special Judge, CBI, Assam Recruitment 2020 - Peon-cum-Chowkidar Vacancy

Special Judge, CBI, Assam, Additional Court No. - 3, Guwahati.
Last Date: 15 Days.

Special Judge, CBI, Assam, Additional Court No. - 3, Guwahati has released a notification for the recruitment of 1 Peon-cum-Chowkidar vacancy .

Name of post: Peon-cum-Chowkidar
No of posts:

PB-1 - Rs 12,000/- to 52,000/- + G.P Rs. 3,900/-
Age: As per Govt. Rules.

Educational Qualification:
Minimum class VII pass and those who have passed H.S.S.L.C, (Class-XIl) and above shall not be eligible.

How to apply: Self-attested copies of relevant Academic Testimonials including certificates/ Admit card in support of age shall be enclosed with the application.
- Duly signed three (3) copies of recent passport size photographs should be enclosed with the application.
- The candidates shall have to enclose one self-addressed, requisite stamped envelope with the application form.
- Last date of receipt of Application: 15 days from the date of publication [DOP: AT, 11/11/2020] of this advertisement.

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