Assam High School TET Merit List 2021
Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam has released the official Assam High School TET Final Merit List 2020-2021 for 5746 Graduate Teacher (Arts & Science) Vacancy. The candidates who have successfully submitted online application and received the acknowledgement against the 5746 posts of Assistant Teacher (Arts and Science) of Provincialised Secondary Schools can view district-wise “Final Merit Lists” from the Midnight of 31.01.2021 onwards.
Assam High School TET Merit List 2021 Overview
Name of posts: Graduate Teacher (Arts & Science)
No of posts: 5746
Written exam date: 19th January 2020
Result date: 4th March 2020
District-wise document verification date: 09.11.2020 to 17.11.2020
District-wise 1st merit list release date: Midnight of 16.12.2020
District-wise 2nd merit list release date: Midnight of 24.12.2020
District-wise 3rd merit list release date: Midnight of 31.12.2020
District-wise 4th merit list release date: 09.01.2021
District-wise 5th merit list release date: 13.01.2021
District-wise 6th merit list release date: 19.01.2021
District-wise 7th merit list release date: 23.01.2021
District-wise 8th merit list release date: 26.01.2021
District-wise 10th merit list release date: 29.01.2021
District-wise 11th merit list release date: 30.01.2021
District-wise 12th merit list release date: 31.01.2021
Final Merit List: 31.01.2021
Instruction to candidates regarding Assam High School TET Merit List 2020 - Final District Selection
In pursuance of the Govt. letter No. ASE. 176/2020/PU58, dtd. 27.01.2021, the following information is hereby published for the information of the candidates for the post of Graduate Teacher (Arts / Science), whose names appears in the District-wise final merit list to be published in the website at on 31.01.2021 in connection with the advertisement No GBEST/Advertisement/1/2020/1 1, dtd. 11.09.2020, published in local dailies on 12.09.2020 and addendums issued on 15.09.2020 and 29.09.2020 :-
# The selected candidates (whose names appeared in the final merit list) are requested to attend the final physical verification of records, testimonials etc. in their respective selected District that is scheduled on 01/02/2021 and 02/02/2021. For the purpose, District-wise venue, time etc., will be published in the website at in the morning of 31.01.2021. Accordingly, the selected candidates are requested to bring their all original records, testimonials and appear for the physical verification programme, as per schedule without fail.
# The Inspectors of Schools will display the list of valid selected and rejected candidates in the NOTICE BOARD on each day after completion of physical verification of the testimonials of the selected candidates.
# Appointment letters to the selected Graduate Teachers (Arts & Science), who had completed the successful physical verification at District level, will be distributed ceremonially on 06.02.2021 from 10.00 AM onwards at Sarusajai Stadium premises, Guwahati. The selected, candidates are requested to attend the ceremonial distribution programme and collect their appointment letters without fail.
# After collection of appointment letters, the appointees must submit their joining reports and undertakings before the Inspector of Schools on 06/02/2021 between 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM.
# Appointees must attend the District-wise counselling for School-wise posting on 08.02.2021 and 09.02.2021.
# For the purpose, District-wise venue, time, categories etc., except the date, published in the website at will remain the same as earlier.
# All appointees should report to their new place of posting on 10.02.2021 positively instead of 09.02.2021.
District Wise Assam High School TET Final Merit List 2021
Arts Teacher Final Merit List:
Important Web-Links of Assam High School TET Merit List 2021
Documents Verification/ District-wise Counselling Schedule: Click Here .
Final Merit List: Click Here .
Final Merit List: Click Here .
Official Notification: Click Here .
12th Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
11th Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
10th Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
8th Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
7th Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
6th Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
5th Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
5th Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
4th Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
3rd Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
2nd Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
Selection of District: Click Here .
1st Provisional Merit List: Click Here .
Official Notification: Click Here .
District-wise Merit List: Click Here .
District-wise Merit List: Click Here .
Advertisement Details: Click Here .
Approved List for Preparation of Merit List: Click Here .