DRDO-GTRE, Bengaluru.
Last Date: 29/01/2021.
Defence Research & Development Organization – Gas Turbine Research Establishment (DRDO-GTRE) Bengaluru has released a notification for the recruitment of 150 Graduate, Diploma and ITI Apprentice Trainee vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online here .
1. Graduate Apprentice Trainee
No of posts: 80
Discipline-wise vacancy:
# Mechanical/Production/ Industrial Production Engg.: 30
# Aeronautical/Aerospace Engg.: 15
# Elect & Electronics / Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Instrumentation/Telecom Engg.: 12
# Computer Science / Computer Engg./ Information Science & Technology Engg.: 18
# Metallurgy/Material science: 4
# Civil Engg. or Equivalent: 1
2. Diploma Apprentice Trainee
No of posts: 30
Discipline-wise vacancy:
# Mechanical/Production/ Tool & Die design: 15
# Electrical & Electronics / Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation: 10
# Computer Science / Engg./Computer Networking: 5
3. ITI Apprentice Trainee
No of posts: 30
Discipline-wise vacancy: 40
# Machinist: 5
# Fitter: 8
# Turner: 5
# Electrician: 4
# Welder: 2
# Sheet Metal Worker: 2
# Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA): 12
# Health Safety & Environment: 2
Graduate Apprentice Trainee: A degree in engineering or technology granted by a statutory University/ by an institution empowered to award such degrees by an Act of Parliament
Diploma Apprentice Trainee: A diploma in engineering or technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical Educational established by a State Government /by a University/by an Institute recognised by the State Government or Central Government as equivalent to a diploma/ Sandwich course student who is undergoing training in order that he/she may hold a diploma in Engg./Technology.
ITI Apprentice Trainee:
a) A certificate in vocational Course involving two years of study after the completion of the secondary stage of school education recognised by the All India Council for Technical education.
b) A sandwich course student who is undergoing training in order that he may hold a certificate mentioned in (a) above.
Age Limit as on 05-01-2021:
# Minimum Age: 18 Years
# Maximum Age for Unreserved category: 27 Years
# Maximum Age for OBC category: 30 Years
# Maximum Age for SC/ ST category: 32 Years
# Maximum Age for PWD category: 37 Years
# Age Relaxation is applicable as per rules
Stipend: Candidates finally selected for the apprenticeship training would be eligible for stipend as given below as per Govt. of India rules:
B.E./B.Tech./Eqvt.: Rs.9000/-per month
Diploma: Rs.8000/-per month
ITI: Rs.7000/-per month
Applications are to be submitted online through the following website/link: rac.gov.in or drdo.gov.in .
# Starting Date for Apply Online: 07-01-2021
# Last Date to Apply Online: 29-01-2021
# Date for Publishing of First list of shortlisted candidates for interview/written test: 12-02-2021
# Date for Acceptance by candidates to join GTRE: 21-02-2021
# Date for Interaction with the shortlisted candidates who have submitted acceptance to join: 24-02-2021
# Probable date of declaration of finally selected candidates: 01-03-2021
# Probable date of joining at GTRE for Graduate/ Diploma/ITI Apprentices: 01-04-2021
Advertisement Details: Click Here .
Online Application: Click Here .
Last Date: 29/01/2021.
Defence Research & Development Organization – Gas Turbine Research Establishment (DRDO-GTRE) Bengaluru has released a notification for the recruitment of 150 Graduate, Diploma and ITI Apprentice Trainee vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online here .
DRDO-GTRE Recruitment 2021
1. Graduate Apprentice Trainee
No of posts: 80
Discipline-wise vacancy:
# Mechanical/Production/ Industrial Production Engg.: 30
# Aeronautical/Aerospace Engg.: 15
# Elect & Electronics / Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Instrumentation/Telecom Engg.: 12
# Computer Science / Computer Engg./ Information Science & Technology Engg.: 18
# Metallurgy/Material science: 4
# Civil Engg. or Equivalent: 1
2. Diploma Apprentice Trainee
No of posts: 30
Discipline-wise vacancy:
# Mechanical/Production/ Tool & Die design: 15
# Electrical & Electronics / Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation: 10
# Computer Science / Engg./Computer Networking: 5
3. ITI Apprentice Trainee
No of posts: 30
Discipline-wise vacancy: 40
# Machinist: 5
# Fitter: 8
# Turner: 5
# Electrician: 4
# Welder: 2
# Sheet Metal Worker: 2
# Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA): 12
# Health Safety & Environment: 2
Eligibility Criteria of DRDO-GTRE Recruitment
Graduate Apprentice Trainee: A degree in engineering or technology granted by a statutory University/ by an institution empowered to award such degrees by an Act of Parliament
Diploma Apprentice Trainee: A diploma in engineering or technology granted by a State Council or Board of Technical Educational established by a State Government /by a University/by an Institute recognised by the State Government or Central Government as equivalent to a diploma/ Sandwich course student who is undergoing training in order that he/she may hold a diploma in Engg./Technology.
ITI Apprentice Trainee:
a) A certificate in vocational Course involving two years of study after the completion of the secondary stage of school education recognised by the All India Council for Technical education.
b) A sandwich course student who is undergoing training in order that he may hold a certificate mentioned in (a) above.
Age Limit as on 05-01-2021:
# Minimum Age: 18 Years
# Maximum Age for Unreserved category: 27 Years
# Maximum Age for OBC category: 30 Years
# Maximum Age for SC/ ST category: 32 Years
# Maximum Age for PWD category: 37 Years
# Age Relaxation is applicable as per rules
Stipend: Candidates finally selected for the apprenticeship training would be eligible for stipend as given below as per Govt. of India rules:
B.E./B.Tech./Eqvt.: Rs.9000/-per month
Diploma: Rs.8000/-per month
ITI: Rs.7000/-per month
How to Apply for DRDO-GTRE Recruitment
Applications are to be submitted online through the following website/link: rac.gov.in or drdo.gov.in .
Important Dates of DRDO-GTRE Vacancy
# Starting Date for Apply Online: 07-01-2021
# Last Date to Apply Online: 29-01-2021
# Date for Publishing of First list of shortlisted candidates for interview/written test: 12-02-2021
# Date for Acceptance by candidates to join GTRE: 21-02-2021
# Date for Interaction with the shortlisted candidates who have submitted acceptance to join: 24-02-2021
# Probable date of declaration of finally selected candidates: 01-03-2021
# Probable date of joining at GTRE for Graduate/ Diploma/ITI Apprentices: 01-04-2021
Advertisement Details: Click Here .
Online Application: Click Here .