Gurucharan College Silchar Recruitment 2021 – 17 Assistant Professor Vacancy
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Gurucharan College Silchar Recruitment 2021 – 17 Assistant Professor Vacancy

Gurucharan College, Silchar.
Last Date: 15 Days.

Gurucharan College, Silchar
has released a notification for the recruitment of 17 Assistant Professor vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here .

Gurucharan College Silchar Recruitment 2021

Name of post: Assistant Professor
No of posts:

Subject wise vacancy:

# Commerce: 2 [ UR: 1, Roster Point No. 1; UR: 1, Roster Point No. 4]
# Manipuri: 1 [ OBC /MOBC: 1, Roster Point No. 6]
# Economics: 2 [ UR: 1, Roster Point No. 7; ST(P): 1, Roster Point No. 15]
# History: 1 [ UR: 1, Roster Point No. 27]
# English: 1 [ ST(P): 1, Roster Point No. 45]
# Physics: 1 [ ST(H): 1, Roster Point No. 50]
# Anthropology: 3 [ ST(P): 1, Roster Point No. 55; ST(H): 1, Roster Point No. 70; UR: 1, Roster Point No. 19]
# Philosophy: 1 [ UR: 1, Roster Point No. 74]
# Mathematics: 1 [ SC: 1, Roster Point No. 79]
# Statistics: 1 [ ST(P): 1, Roster Point No. 85]
# Botany: 1 [ ST(H): 1, Roster Point No. 90]
# Chemistry: 1 [ UR: 1, Roster Point No. 23]
# Zoology: 1 [ OBC: 1, Roster Point No. 13]

Eligibility Criteria of Gurucharan College Silchar Recruitment

Educational Qualification and Selection Procedure:
As per Govt. Office Memorandum Vide No. AHE.407/2017/54 dated 25-11-2020.

A relaxation of 5% marks from 55% to 50% may be provided to Ph.D. holders who have obtained their Master Degree prior to 19-09-1991. A relaxation of 5% may be provided at the Graduate or Master’s level for SC / ST/ Differently abled categories for the purpose of eligibility. The eligibility of 55% marks and relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible , based on only the qualifying marks without including any grace procedure. The candidate has to acquire all qualifications by the last date of submission of application. All certificates of eligibility can be acquired and submitted on the date of interview and not beyond.

Age Limit:
The upper age limit of the candidates should not be more than 38 years as on 01/01/2021 and relaxable up to 5 years for SC /ST/PWD candidates and 3 years for OBC /MOBC candidates.

How to apply for Gurucharan College Silchar Recruitment

Applications in DHE Assam’s prescribed format ( available in DHE Assam website) with complete biodata  and self attested copies of all testimonials from HSLC (10th standard) onwards must be accompanied by a non-refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand ) only drawn in favour of Principal, Gurucharan College payable at UCO Bank, G.C. College Branch, Silchar. Applications completed in all respect must reach the Principal, Gurucharan College, Silchar-788004, Assam on or before 15 days from date of publication [DOP: 28/01/2021] of this advertisement.

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