Income Tax Department Recruitment 2021 - 38 Inspector, Tax Assistant and MTS Vacancy
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Income Tax Department Recruitment 2021 - 38 Inspector, Tax Assistant and MTS Vacancy

Income Tax Department, Chennai
Last Date: 17/01/2021.

Income Tax Department, Chennai
has released a notification for the recruitment of 38 Inspector, Tax Assistant and MTS vacancy on Sports Quota basis. Meritorious sports persons who represented the Country/ State/ All India Inter University tournaments (organized under the aegis of Association of Indian Universities) /National School Games/National Physical Efficiency/drive may apply here .

Income Tax Department Recruitment 2021

1. Inspector of Income-tax
No of posts:

2. Tax Assistant
No of posts:

3. Multi-Tasking Staff
No of posts:

Games / Sports wise-vacancy:

# Athletics (Men & Women): 6 [ Men: 4, Women: 2]
# Basketball: 3 [ Men: 3]
# Cricket: 3 [ Men: 3]
# Football: 4 [ Men: 4]
# Hockey: 5 [ Men: 5]
# Kabaddi: 4 [ Men: 4]
# Volleyball: 5 [ Men: 5]
# Table Tennis: 1 [ Women: 1]
# Shuttle Badminton: 1 [ Men: 1]
# Carrom: 2 [ Men: 1, Women: 1]
# Contract Bridge: 2 [ Men: 2]
# Lawn Tennis: 1 [ Men: 1]
# Body Building: 1 [ Men: 1]

Pay Scale (Rs.):

# Inspector of Income-tax:
9300-34800 + Grade pay 4600 (PB-2)
# Tax Assistant: 5200-20200 + Grade pay 2400 (PB-1)
# Multi-Tasking Staff: 5200-20200 + Grade pay 1800 (PB-1)

Eligibility Criteria of Income Tax Department Recruitment

Educational Qualification:

# Inspector of Income-tax: Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or its equivalent.
# Tax Assistant: Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or its equivalent.
# Multi-Tasking Staff: Minimum of a pass in Matriculation or its equivalent.

Sports Eligibility:
The proficiency will be evaluated on the basis of their participation in recognized tournaments / events in the calendar years 2020, 2019, 2018 & 2017. The tournaments/events will be evaluated in the following descending order of importance.

i) International Tournaments/Events like Olympics & World Championship.
ii) International Tournaments/Events of regional importance like Asian Games/Commonwealth Games/Afro Asian Games.
iii) Other International Tournaments / Events like SAF Games.
iv) Domestic Tournaments / Events of National level seniors like National Games, National Federation Games etc.
v) Domestic Tournaments / Events of National level of juniors.
vi ) Inter-University Tournaments.
vii) National School Games.
viii) National physical efficiency/drive certificate holders.

# The best of three performances in the calendar years 2020, 2019,2018 and 2017 w ill be considered for evaluation. These should be properly filled up in the application.

Age Limit:
Minimum 18 years and maximum 25 years as on 01.04.2020. The Upper age limit is relaxed up to a maximum of 5 years for OBC candidates, 10 years in the case of SC/ST candidates and 5 years in the case of sports persons with exceptional achievements as per DoP & T O.M . No.15012/3/84-Estt.(D) dated 12.11.1987.

How to apply for Income Tax Department Vacancy

The application form available in the website should be filled mandatorily online. The last date for online submission of application is 17/01/2021 by 23.59 Hrs .

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