Tengakhat College Dibrugarh Recruitment 2021 – 5 Assistant Professor Vacancy
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Tengakhat College Dibrugarh Recruitment 2021 – 5 Assistant Professor Vacancy

Tengakhat College, Dibrugarh.
Last Date: 15 Days.

Tengakhat College, Dibrugarh
has released a notification for the recruitment of 5 Assistant Professor vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply here .

Tengakhat College Dibrugarh Recruitment 2021

Name of post: Assistant Professor
No of posts:

Subject-wise vacancy:

1. Education: 01 Post (Reserved for OBC) (Roster Point 2 (two))
2. Economics: 02 Posts (Reserved for 1 -PWD, 1 -UR) (Roster Point 1 (one) & 3 (Three) (Both the Economics Posts are Specialization on Mathematical Economics & Econometrics)
3. Sociology: 01 Post (Reserved for UR) Roster Point 16 (Sixteen)
4. English: 1 Post (Reserved for ST(H) ) (Roster point 10 (Ten)

Eligibility Criteria of Tengakhat College Dibrugarh Recruitment

Educational Qualification and Selection Procedure: As per Govt. Office Memorandum No.AHE.407/2017/44, dated 08.11.2018 with the NET/SLET/ SET as mandatory eligibility conditions. Candidates having Ph.D. Degree in accordance with the UGC (minimum standard and procedure for award of Ph.D. Degree) regulation 2009 shall be exempted from NET/SLET/SET.

The candidates must have minimum 55% marks (or an equivalent grade point scale) at master's degree level in the concerned subject. A relaxation of 5% marks may be provided to SC/ ST/PWD candidates. A relaxation of 5% marks may be provided to the Ph.D. holders who have obtained their Master's Degree prior to 19th Sept./1991. The candidate has to acquire qualifications as on the last date for submitting applications. Eligibility like M.Phil./ Ph.D./Seminar Papers/Publications can be acquired and submitted on the date of interview and not beyond.

Age: Age of the candidates should not be more 38 years as on 01/01/2021 with relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/PWD candidates and 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates.

# The candidates must have Permanent Residential Certificate (PRC) and must know local language.
# In service candidates must apply through proper channel with NOC obtained from the concerned authority.

How to Apply for Tengakhat College Dibrugarh Recruitment

Applications accompanied with a non-refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two Thousands Five Hundred) only drawn in favour of Principal, Tengakhat College ,Tengakhat, Dibrugarh payable at S.B.I., (A/C No-35817425609, A/C Name -Principal Tengakhat College, Current Account IFSC Code: SBIN0014181) Tengakhat Branch, Tengakhat must reach the Principal, Tengakhat College, Tengakhat, P.O.Tengakhat, Dist. Dibrugarh(Assam), PIN-786103 within 15 days from the date of publication [DOP: AT, 24/01/2021] of this advertisement.

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Application Form: Click Here .
