COVID-19 : Education Department of Assam Releases SOP
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COVID-19 : Education Department of Assam Releases SOP

Following the sharp rise in COVID-19 cases in Assam, Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Assam, Elementary/ Secondary and Higher Education Department has released a set of Standard Operating of Procedure (SOP) to be followed by all educational institutions of Assam .

In continuation of the Notification No. ASE. 01/2020/Pt-lI/142 dated 17.04.2021 issued by the Government In Education Department on conditional closure of Lower Primary Schools (both Government and non-Government) up to Class V including pre-Primary Schools in those Districts where the active COVID cases has crossed the 100 mark, it is further directed that the School authorities should make arrangement for online classes for these students as a part of continuous learning Process.

A) in respect of Upper Primary Classes (VI to VIII), Secondary Classes (IX and X) and Senior Secondary Classes (XI and XIl) in those Districts where active COVID cases are more than 100,and to take measures to prevent its spread, the following General instructions/ Guidelines are Issued for strict compliance by all Educational Institutions{Government and Non —Government)

a. In respect of Classes VI,VII, VIll, IX .X and XII, Classes will be conducted with fifty percent (5O%) attendance in each class.

b. In each class comprising of sections with average fifty students Roll numbers 1 to 25 shall attend School on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the students with Roll number 26 to 50 in each section from each class shall attend on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. In case the average number of students in each section ts less than fifty, the Head of the Institution will have the discretion to arrange the number of students accordingly with strict adherence to fifty percent attendance .

c. The School authorities shall maintain staggered timings in respect of start of the school and end of the school for three classes at any time, so that large scale release of students doesnot arise at the same time at the entry and exit point of the institution.

d. Online mode of teaching should be adopted as far as possible.

e. The School authorities should maintain all COVID Protocols and ensure giving lessons to students on strict adherence to Covid appropriate behavior,respiratory etiquette ,practicing hand hygiene through frequent hand washing and use of sanitizers swearing of masks and maintenance of social distancing .

f. Frequent sanitization of entire premise, common facilities and all points which come into human contact should be carried out by the School Authority.


8. Morning assemblies, meetings in Schools (formal and in-formal) will not be allowed in the School premise.

h. No student/ Teacher shall be permitted to attend School in case of occurrence of any symptom of cold, cough and fever.

B) In respect of Colleges and Universities,situated in the Districts where active Covid cases have crossed the 100 mark,not more than 50 percent students should attend the institutions in person on any day . Quality virtual options should be adopted as far as possible. The College/University authorities should ensure that al! Covid protocols are maintained in the campus and the procedure for selection of SO percent students on each working day will be the responsibility of the College/University authority.

The Deputy Commissioners of the Districts shall review the COVID situation in their  respective Districts and as Chairpersons of the District Disaster Management Authority, shall exercise powers under the provisions of relevant sections of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and thereby enforce the above mentioned provisions of this Notification .

This Order will come into effect from the date of issue of this Notification and will remain in force upto 08.05.2021 or until further Orders.