Govt. of Assam has released the list of various provincilized school, senior secondary, junior college and teacher list 2020. Interested schools and teachers may download the list here .
With effect from 01-01-2021 Secondary Education Department, Govt. of Assam has given the approval of provicialisation of 2812 teacher of Secondary Education Schools against 355 new Secondary Schools in the First Phase.
With effect from 01-01-2021 Secondary Education Department, Govt. of Assam has given the approval of provicialisation of 2812 teacher of Secondary Education Schools against 355 new Secondary Schools in the First Phase.
Accordingly, Higher Education Department, Assam has accorded the approval of service provincialisation of services of 931 Principal, Asstt Professor & Tutor out of which 241 posts are of 27 new colleges and 690 of additional posts are of earlier provincialized Colleges.
Secondary Education Department Assam Proviilaisation List 2020
* High School: 197
* Higher Secondary/ Senior Secondary /Junior College: 149
Higher Education Department Assam Proviilaisation List 2020
* College: 27
* Principal/ Asstt Professor /Tutor: 241
* Additional posts of earlier provincialized colleges: 690
Important Web-Links:
Secondary Education Department Assam Proviilaisation List 2020
* High School: 197
* Higher Secondary/ Senior Secondary /Junior College: 149
Higher Education Department Assam Proviilaisation List 2020
* College: 27
* Principal/ Asstt Professor /Tutor: 241
* Additional posts of earlier provincialized colleges: 690
Important Web-Links:
High School List
Higher Secondary School List
Senior Secondary/ Junior College List
Additional Teacher List