Directorate of Fisheries Admission – 12 months Fishery Demonstrator Training Course
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Directorate of Fisheries Admission – 12 months Fishery Demonstrator Training Course

Applications are invited from the intending candidates who are citizen of India for undergoing 12 months Fishery Demonstrator Training Course under Directorate of Fisheries, Assam, Guwahati  additionally conducted by the Fishery Department for the session 2018-19.

Name of course: 12 months Fishery Demonstrator Training Course
No of seats:
30 (Thirty)

Reservation: SIC = 2, ST(P) = 3, ST(H) = 1, PWD = 5 (hearing impaired), UR = 11, OBC/ MOBC = 8, Women = 30% in each category.

Essential Qualification: H.S. passed or equivalent qualification recognized by the Govt. of Assam.
Age: 18 years and not more than 30 years as on 01.01.2019.

How to apply: A candidate must submit his application duly filled in the standard form (Assam Gazette Part IX). The envelope containing the application should be superscribed with "Application for the "12 months Fishery Demonstrator Training Course' for the year of 2018-19 on the Top right corner. Duly filled up application along with attested copies of all requisite documents as stated below should be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to the Director of Fisheries, Meen Bhawan, Dr. B.K. Kakati Road, P.0- Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati- 16 either personally or through post.

Requisite Documents:

1) 3 (three) copies recent passport size photographs signed by the candidate should be pasted on the application form and two other recent passport size photographs signed by the candidate should be submitted alongwith the application form.
2) 1(One) self addressed postal stamped envelope (pasted with postal stamps of Rs.10/-) of 18 cm X 27 cm size (approx).
3) Copies of all mark-sheets/ passed certificates duly self attested.
4) Copies of caste certificate duly self attested, whenever applicable issued by the competent authority. 5) Copy of Physical disability Certificate (self attested), whenever applicable issued by the competent authority.
6) Copy of Employment Registration card (duly self attested).

Selection Procedure:
Candidates applied for the 12 months FD Training Course will be shortlisted as per Govt. Guidelines issued vide letter No. FISH-11013/7/2017-FISHERY/6 (eCF NO. 43176 dated 19th March/ 2018 and called for skill test/ viva-voce/ Interview for final selection of candidates/ applicants on merit basis for the 12 months Fishery Demonstrator Training Course.

Application will be received upto 28th February, 2019 in the office of the Director of Fisheries. Meen Bhawan. Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati-16. Incomplete application or application without requisite documents will be summarily rejected. Application received after the Last date of submission will not be accepted. Director of Fisheries, Assam is not responsible for any postal delay.

All accepted applicants will be intimated by post for attending interview/ viva-voce/ skill test in due course.

It is mentioned here that there is no relation to the earlier advertisement vide No. Janasanyog/D/6675/17 dated 15.8.17 published in the daily Newspaper "The Assam Tribune' and No. Janasanyog/D/6676/17 dated 15.8.17 In "Niyamia Barta" for selection of 30 nos. seat of 12 months Fishery Demonstrator Training Course for the year 2017-18 which is under subjudice in the Hon'ble Gauhati High Court (Case No. WP @ 3985/18). This advertisement is exclusively for selection of another new batch for a fresh 12 months Fishery Demonstrator training course.

The candidates who submitted their application earlier for the 12 months Fishery Demonstrator Training Course for the year 2017-18 if interested, may apply fresh against this advertisement as published.

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