Indian Air Force Recruitment 2025 – Agniveer Vayu Online Application
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Indian Air Force Recruitment 2025 – Agniveer Vayu Online Application

Indian Air Force.
Last Date: 02/02/2025.

Indian Air Force has released the official notification for the recruitment of
Agniveer Vayu  vacancy for Agniveer Vayu Intake 01/2026 under Agnipath Scheme or Agneepath Scheme across the country. Interested and eligible candidates who want to enter Indian Air Force as a soldier may apply online here. 


Indian Air Force Recruitment 2025

Name of post: Agniveer Vayu

No of posts:
To be updated later

Name of batch: Agniveer Vayu Intake 01/2026

Name of scheme: Agnipath Scheme
Duration of service:
4 Years

Name of department: Indian Air Force

Name of ministry: Ministry of Defence, India

Date of launch of the scheme:
14th June 2022

Job location: All India
Mode of application:
Helpline: For queries pertaining to filling up of online application form, candidates may also contact on Telephone No. 020-25503105/25503106.
Related Article: Agnipath Recruitment

Eligibility Criteria of Indian Air Force Recruitment

Age Limit: Candidates born between 01 January 2005 and 01 July 2008 (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply for Agniveer Vayu posts. In case, a candidate clears all the stages of the Selection Procedure, then the upper age limit as on date of enrollment is 21 years.

Educational Qualification:

Science Subjects:
Candidates should have passed Intermediate/ 10+2/ Equivalent examination with Mathematics, Physics and English from an Education Board recognised by Central, State and UT with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.


Passed Three years Diploma Course in Engineering (Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Automobile/ Computer Science/ Instrumentation Technology/ Information Technology) from a Central, State and UT recognized Polytechnic institute with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in diploma course (or in Intermediate/Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Diploma Course).


Passed Two years Vocational Course with non-vocational subject viz. Physics and Maths from State Education Boards recognised by Central, State and UT with 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in vocational course (or in Intermediate/ Matriculation, if English is not a subject in Vocational Course).

Other Than Science Subjects: Candidates should have passed Intermediate/ 10+2/ Equivalent examination in any subject approved by Education Boards recognised by Central, State and UT with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.


Passed two years vocational course from Education Boards recognised by Central, State and UT with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English in vocational course or in Intermediate/Matriculation if English is not a subject in Vocational Course.

Mandatory Medical Standards of Agniveer Vayu

General Medical Standards for Agniveer Vayu are as follows:-

# Height: Minimum acceptable height is 152 cms (For Male candidates) and 152 cms (For Female candidates). For candidates belonging to North East or hilly regions of Uttarakhand, a lower minimum height of 147 cms will be accepted. In case of candidates from Lakshadweep, the minimum height will be 150 cms.

# Chest: 
Male Candidates: The chest wall should be well proportioned and well developed. Minimum chest circumference should be 77 cms and the chest expansion should be atleast 05 cms.

Female Candidates: The chest wall should be well proportioned and should be with minimum range of expansion of 05 cms.

# Weight: Proportionate to height and age.

# Gynaecological Examination (For female candidates):  The examination covers external genitalia, hernia orifices and the perineum, any evidence of stress urinary incontinence or genital prolapse outside introitus.

# Pregnancy (For female candidates):
Any candidate, if found pregnant shall be disqualified and her candidature will be rejected.

# Hearing: Candidate should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters with each ear separately.

# Dental: Should have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points.

# General Health: Candidate should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from any active or latent, acute or chronic, medical or surgical disability or infection and skin ailments. Candidate shall be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain.
# Body Tattoo: Permanent body tattoos are not permitted. However, tattoos only on inner face of the fore arms (inside of elbow to the wrist), back (dorsal) part of the hand/reverse side of palm and Tribals with tattoos which are as per custom and traditions of their tribes may be considered. Offensive, obscene, indecent, sexist or racist tattoos are prohibited regardless of location on the Body.

However, right to consider a tattoo acceptable or unacceptable will rest with the Selection Centre. Candidates with permanent body tattoos are to submit two postcard size photographs (close up and distant view) with details of size and type of the Tattoo.

More details about medical standard requirements can be viewed in official notification. 

Pay Scale of Air Force Agniveer Post

Customized PackageIn Hand (70%)
1st YearRs 30,000/-Rs 21,000/-
2nd Year
Rs 33,000/-Rs 23,100/-
3rd Year
Rs 36,500/-Rs 25,550/-
4th Year
Rs 40,000/-Rs 28,000/-
Exit after 4 year
Rs 10.04 lakhs plus accrued interest
Life Insurance Cover
Rs 48 lakhs
Examination Fee: Examination fee of Rs.550/- plus GST is to be paid by the candidate while registering for the online examination. The payment can be made by using Debit Cards/ Credit Cards/ Internet Banking through payment gateway. The examination fee can also be paid by Challan payment at any Axis Bank Branch.

How to Apply for IAF Recruitment ?

The application mode for Agnipath Recruitment is online. Interested and eligible candidates must apply online here.

Candidates may follow below mentioned steps to apply online.

# Scroll down, go to Important Web-Links section .

# Click on the "Online Application Form" and complete the registration process by clicking "New User? Register".

# In the next stage, click on "Online Application Form" Link and Login.

# Fill your all personal and educational details and upload necessary documents.

# Next, pay the examination fee and submit the form.
# At the end, take a print out of the application form . 

Important Dates of Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Recruitment 2025

  • Starting date of submission of online application: 7th January 2025
  • Last date of submission of online application: 2nd February 2025
  • Date of issue of Admit Card: 19th March 2025 Onwards
  • Date of exam: 22nd March 2025 Onwards
  • Release of provisional select list: 14th November 2025.
  • Release of final enrollment list: 01st December 2025

Important Web-Links of Indian Air Force Recruitment

Online Application Form
Click Here
Advertisement DetailsClick Here
Official Website
Click Here

Online Test of Agniveer Vayu Recruitment

Candidates who applied for Agniveer Vayu posts will have to appear in an Online Test. Provisional admit cards will be send to eligible candidates for Phase - I of testing on their registered e-mail IDs between 48-72 hrs prior to the examination. Candidates have to report on the stipulated date and time at the designated center along with colour print out of the Admit Card. Candidates are to bring one blue / black pen and original AADHAAR card along with them for Phase - I testing. Name of city & exam date will be intimated to candidates at an earlier date to enable them to plan their movement.

Type of questions: Objective type

Language of questions:
Bilingual (English & Hindi) except for English paper.

Marking pattern: One mark for every correct answer.

Negative marking:
0.25 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

Science Subjects

The exam pattern for the category of Science Subjects is as mentioned below.

Type of exam:
Online Test

Duration of exam: 60 Minutes

Syllabus of exam:
English, Physics and Mathematics as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus.

Other Than Science Subjects

The exam pattern for the category of Other Than Science Subjects is as mentioned below.

Type of exam: Online Test

Duration of exam:
45 Minutes

Syllabus of exam:
English as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).

Both Science Subjects & Other than Science Subjects

The exam pattern for the category of both Science Subjects & Other than Science Subjects is as mentioned below.
Type of exam: Online Test

Duration of exam: 85 Minutes

Syllabus of exam: Physics, Mathematics and English as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA).

Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

Names of the shortlisted candidates, who qualify the online test, shall be displayed on the CASB Web Portal and on a stipulated date shall be called at designated ASC for Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and Adaptability Test-II. PFT consists of two parts i.e. PFT-I and PFT-II.

Candidates have to complete 1.6 Kms run as per the following timings to qualify for PFT-II:- 

1.6 Kms run
Within 07 minutesWithin 08 minutes

Candidates who qualify PFT-I will go for PFT-II after 10 minutes of recuperation time. The sequence of exercises and maximum time period for male and female candidates are as follows:-
Male Candidates
TestMax Time PeriodRemarks
10 Push-ups01 minuteTest will be conducted after 10 minutes break on completion of run
10 Sit-ups01 minuteTest will be conducted after 02 minutes break on completion of 10 Push-ups
20 Squats01 minuteTest will be conducted after 02 minutes break on completion of 10 Sit-ups
Female Candidates
TestMax Time PeriodRemarks
10 Sit-ups01 minute and 30 secondsTest will be conducted after 10 minutes break on completion of run
15 Squats01 minute
Test will be conducted after 02 minutes break on completion of 10 Sit-ups
Note: Candidates are advised to bring their sports shoes and shorts/ track pants. Detailed procedure on expected technique for Push-ups, Sit-ups and Squats is available on CASB Web Portal

Recommended Guidebooks for Agniveer Vayu Exam

Here is a list of important guides for Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Exam. 
Science SubjectClick Here
Other Then Science Subjects
Click Here

FAQs of Indian Air Force Recruitment

What is the starting date to apply online for Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Recruitment?

The starting date to apply online for Indian Air Force Agniveer Vayu Recruitment is 7th January 2025.

What is the last date to apply online for Indian Air Force Agniveer Recruitment?

The last date to apply online for Indian Air Force Agniveer Recruitment is 2nd February 2025.

What is the age limit of Indian Air Force Agniveer Recruitment?

The age limit of Indian Air Force Agniveer Recruitment is 17 years 6 months to 21 years.